Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The power of a woman

The power of a woman who submits to her man

I believe that when a woman chooses to submit in a relationship, she does not become less. In fact, she becomes an equal component in a two-part relationship whose total power or energy has been increased beyond the sum of its parts. She is an equal component in terms of the magnitude of her contribution, just not the direction.
The man might feel empowered in the Taken In Hand relationship; well, he is. But only as much as the woman allows him to be. The day she walks out, his positively charged alpha-energy is deflated. He's like a magnet with no iron to attract – so whatever power he might have had is irrelevant until he can find another pole with which to interact.

The woman's seemingly passive act of submission is, in a very Taoist sort of way, one of active creation. Simply put, she makes her man more powerful. His continued power depends on her continued submission. Personally, I regard someone with the ability to literally change me as being powerful.
Putting the relationship in this context, it only makes sense that a woman can and should be discriminating in how and when she exercises her power to create. The two organisms meet, notice they have opposite charges - thus there is attraction, so they make a conscious decision to tune their relationship. They position themselves in such a way as to maximize the total flow of energy.
It might serve some fantasy for some parties to think of the woman as some empty, mindless vessel, but the physical reality of the situation is that the woman remains responsible for her life. As such, of course she has the right to be cautious about with whom and in what manner she chooses to experience her relationships.

1 comment:

  1. Hmmmmm... Pretty true. Just recommended this to someone :)
